P design cc was established as a Consulting Civil and Structural Engineering firm in 2004 by Pieter-Ben van Aswegen. What started out as a part time venture has quickly grown into a full scale consultancy with a rapidly expanding clientele data base and project portfolio. Due to the successful completion of a number of projects and the resulting increase of new enquiries, P Design became a full time business venture since 2007.  To present P Design cc has successfully completed a large variety of projects stretching across a wide spectrum of disciplines and fields in civil and structural engineering. 

We pride ourselves on having established long term partnerships with our clients that goes beyond once off projects. This gives great evidence that we are successfully implementing the core principles and values of our business which are:

  • Dependable and Trustworthy
  • Responsible
  • Competent
  • Creative and Innovative
  • Professional

We are based in Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa


“The word engineer is derived from the Latin roots ingeniare ("to contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness")” - Wikipedia